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Tour Update

This week is just a quick update on the current status of the UK Tour. I have reached out to many sanctuaries all over the route and so far have SIX confirmed for the tour (follow me on Instagram and Facebook for the specific announcements) and I have been in talks with other people and organisations as well, to discuss ways that we can maximize support for these sanctuaries and their residents.

The whole idea of the tour is to increase the number of sanctuaries I am able to support. They are the reason I do what I do, I want to help the animals and this is the way I choose to do it and they I way I feel I can help the most animals outside of being "just" being vegan. So, any help and support towards that goal is amazing and I can't wait to share some of the future announcements with you all!

If you want to support me and the sanctuaries I visit, don't forget that you can purchase prints and clothing from my store or donate to my Half Marathon page, which is specifically fundraising for Little Pigs At Home.

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